Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Insert pithy motivational phrase here

Maybe this has more to do with last Friday's class but the bit about 'believe in yourself' seems to have stuck with me. Being young, and yes I count myself as frightfully young, one walks an odd line these days. The whole of one's childhood was spent listening to 'you can do anything' and 'you are really talented when it comes to x, y and z' from parents, teachers and children's programing. And then you grow up a little and realize that there is very little chance that you will get paid for doing something you enjoy and that there are at least a thousand people smarter, more talented and generally just better than you. If one is as hideously introspective as I am it tends to beat one down and make one consider working the fryer at McDonalds as a serious if only career option. I wish I had more confidence, or at least go back to the days of childhood where I thought I was 'awesome' in the face of glaring evidence to the opposite. Sadly this realist reasoning I manage to develop as I mature leads too easily to pessimism, perhaps this is why many of my creative heroes were so heavily into drink and other mind altering substances. Maybe it's easier to feel confident in yourself when your mental state is altered.